Editorial Cartoons
For more than 25 years, I have been the editorial cartoonist for the Guelph Tribune.
Since this was a bi-weekly community newspaper, it's my job to concentrate on local city issues.
I was honoured to be nominated as the Ontario Community Newspaper Association's Cartoonist of the Year in 2011.

City councillor wants to get rid of local beavers in park.

Racist graffiti shows up in town.

A city meeting about a proposed nuisance bylaw.


Coyotes seen in town.

The city's wants to encourage more folks to ride bikes and not cars.

A downtown controversy over the building of a high rise condo.

A very popular Remembrance Day cartoon that I get requests for every year.

Reaction to no NHL hockey!

Educating dog walkers about a local bylaw.

Reaction to lack of literacy skills in kids.